Declaration of Personal Information Protection

SOURCING BROTHERS  recognizes the importance of personal information protection and complies with the Personal Information Protection Act and other relevant laws and regulations. We will appropriately handle personal information and take suitable measures for safety management.
We will ensure that our employees are thoroughly educated and guided in the proper handling of personal information and will commit to maintaining appropriate practices.
Additionally, we will respond promptly to complaints and inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, and we will regularly review and improve our measures related to the handling and safety management of personal information.
We are committed to fully protecting our customers’ valuable personal information based on the following policies.

1. Compliance with Relevant Laws
We will comply with the “Personal Information Protection Act,” as well as other relevant laws related to personal information protection, the guidelines set forth by the Personal Information Protection Commission, the recommendations from accredited personal information protection organizations, and this personal information protection declaration.

2. Purpose of Use
We will handle customers’ personal information only within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes specified in the attached document, except when we have obtained the customer’s consent or when exceptions are allowed by law. The purposes for which we handle personal information can be found posted at our office and on our company website.

3. Proper Acquisition of Personal Information
We will acquire customers’ personal information through appropriate and lawful means, primarily from the following sources, within the scope necessary to achieve the stated purposes:
・Information directly filled out or entered by customers on various application forms or surveys
・Information provided by customers through inquiries made via phone or email
・Information obtained from customers or their referrals during the provision of products and services
・Information published in commercially available books, newspapers, or on the internet
Additionally, for the purpose of ensuring the quality of customer interactions, verifying conversation content, and improving services, we may record phone calls made to and from our company.

4. Security Management Measures
We will implement necessary and appropriate security management measures to prevent the leakage of customers’ personal information and conduct proper supervision of our employees and business partners.

5. Ensuring Accuracy
We will strive to keep customers’ personal information accurate and up to date.

6. Continuous Improvement
To ensure the proper handling of customers’ personal information, we will regularly review this personal information protection declaration and work toward continuous improvement.

7. Response to Requests for Disclosure
When customers request disclosure, correction, or suspension of use regarding their personal data, we will confirm the identity of the requester and endeavor to provide an appropriate and prompt response.

8. Inquiries and Feedback
We will strive to respond appropriately and sincerely to any inquiries or feedback regarding the handling of personal information received from customers.

9. Contact Information
For requests for disclosure, inquiries, or feedback regarding the handling of personal information, please contact the following office.
Complaints and Inquiries 

November 2020
Representative, Co-Founder: Sota Ozawa

Purpose of Using Customer Personal Information

We will handle customers’ personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the following business activities and purposes of use. Furthermore, in accordance with Cabinet Office Ordinances related to financial instruments business, we will not use information regarding race, beliefs, lineage, place of origin, health, medical history, criminal records, or other special confidential information for any purpose other than what is necessary to ensure the appropriate operation of our business or other recognized needs.

1. Business Description
(1)Financial instrument brokerage services (inviting account openings, mediating the buying and selling of securities) and related activities
(2)Management consulting services
(3)Charged employment placement services
(4)Investment activities
(5)Holding, investing in, buying, selling, and managing stocks and other securities
(6)Non-life insurance agency services and life insurance solicitation activities
(7)All activities incidental to the above services

2. Purpose of Use
(1) To solicit and mediate transactions of securities and financial products in financial instrument brokerage services and to provide information on services
(2) To solicit, sell, and provide information on products and services of our company, affiliated companies, and partner companies
(3) To verify the identity of customers in accordance with the “Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds,” and to confirm eligibility for using financial products and services
(4) To assess the appropriateness of providing products and services in light of the principle of suitability and other criteria
(5) To confirm that the customer is the actual person or their authorized representative
(6) To handle administrative tasks such as reporting the results of transactions with customers
(7) To conduct market research, data analysis, and surveys for the research and development of products and services
(8) To appropriately carry out entrusted tasks in cases where personal information processing is partially or fully commissioned by other businesses
(9) To exercise rights and fulfill obligations based on contracts and laws with customers
(10) To ensure the proper and smooth execution of transactions with customers
